The Automation report

While your bot can live and learn on its own, you can easily optimize its performances by accessing detailed KPIs highlighting the pain points of the bot by using the automation report.

You can find this report under Report > Automation.




How it works

The Automation report is mainly based on the automation levels. It displays major KPI sliced by automation level: CSAT and volume.

This report is based on conversations. Meaning that if a customer has bots transferring to other bots, they will share the data of these conversations. What we aim to show here is the Automation on a global view. If customers need more details on how customers are interacting with specific bots, they will be able to use the path report.

It also gives more details on each automation level.

1. Fully automated conversations

For the Fully automated conversations, it gives more details on how the bots and customers handled the conversation. Did they reach the end of the scenario? Did they drop the conversation? Did the bots fail to transfer the conversation to a human?

Completion = the visitor completed the whole scenario of the bot
Drop off = the visitor quit the scenario (no reply from him anymore)
Transfert fail = the bot was unable to transfer the conversation, due to a lack of availability on the defined distribution rule. NB: if an alternative has been previously defined in the transfer map, the conversation will not be taken into account by this indicator.

2. Partially automated conversations

Regarding the Partially automated conversations, this report will display in which routing rules the bots have transferred the most.



3. Bots impacts

A data view will help customers understand the impact of their modifications on the automation level. Last but not least, a table will list each one of the bots that have handled conversations, with their main performances. A button will give access to the path report (1).




Additionally, you can find the indicator of the intent fallback rate in this report with the option to export undetected messages.
This indicator will tell you the part of conversations in which the bot has triggered the fallback action because he wasn't able to detect the intent.fallback_rate_graphic.png


A high percentage means you have to better train your bot! 😁
Because it is a conversation based report, multiple fallback actions in a conversation will count only once.

The export is limited to 1000 messages.


4. Scenario report

In the scenario report, analyze your visitors’ journey with a visualization that helps you identify points of friction or abandonment, improve your scenario right away, and compare the results of its different versions.

You have an overview of the performance of the selected bot which shows you the percentage of completed cards, drop-off cards and the total satisfaction of the bot.
In detail, you can see with a few clicks which card of the scenario results in a drop-off of the conversation or which one is completed to continue and to finalise the conversation.