[Beta] Address messages to representatives in specific locations with geo-routing

Geo-routing allows you to connect your visitors to representatives in physical locations near them. You can, for example, connect a visitor to the nearest store, the closest car dealership, or to a hotel in the city of their next destination.

You can even go further and combine the visitor's geographic location with an agent's specific expertise. For example, connect a visitor to a sales representative in the closest sporting goods store, who specializes in cycling.

Contact your CSM to activate the bêta on your website.

1. How it works for your visitors

A visitor browses a page on your website and clicks on the notification to open the chatbox.


A bot greets them and asks if they want to chat with an agent in a store close to their location.
If your visitor says “yes”, the bot will ask them their address and will show them a carousel with locations close to this address.

Your visitor will be able to select their preferred location and will be connected to a representative/agent.


If your visitor made a mistake while typing their address or wants to try another address, they can click on the last card of the carousel to restart the scenario.

If the bot didn’t understand the visitor's address, couldn’t match it to GPS coordinates, or because of any other error, you can ask them to type their address again and send them back to the geo-routing card.

If no agents are available in the locations surrounding your visitor, you can, for example, transfer the conversation to a support team not based in a physical location near your visitor.



If everything went well during the transfer, the conversation will start between the visitor and your in-location representative/agent.



2. Set up Geo-routing on your website

2.1 Create skills and agents

1. Create a skill that will later include all your locations as child skills - for example, "All Stores - Geo-routing". This will be the parent skill for all your locations.

2. Create a skill for each location where you have agents or sales representatives, using the name of the location as the skill name - for example, "Store Paris Elysée".

The address of the shop is used to display its exact location on the map.

If the address is unknown or the location is incorrectly positioned on the map, you can enter its GPS coordinates. The address will no longer be used for location.

Choose the previously created skill - in our example, "All Stores - Geo-routing" as the master skill for this new location skill.




3. Repeat, and create one skill per location until you have a dedicated skill for each location of your business.


4. Create a business skill for each category of product or speciality your agents or sales representatives may have. For example, “Surfing”.


5. Assign the skills above to your agents/sales representatives. For example, assign the skills “Paris Store” and “Surfing” to a sales representative working in the Surf department of your Paris store.


  • If you have a large number of advisors and/or skills, please note that you can also create your skills and agents and assign them skills via the iAdvize API - contact your iAdvize account manager for more information.
  • If you have many addresses to fill in, you can also enter the GPS coordinates of the locations via the iAdvize API.  

2.2 Create a Geo-routing rule

1. Go to Routing rules and create a new routing rule, choosing Geo-Routing as your routing method.

2. Give a clear name to your rule.

3. In the criteria, in Location, select the parent skill you created in step 2.1 - in our example,  "All stores - Georouting".

4. If you want to address visitors to agents or sales representatives with specific expertise, enable "Complementary skills" and select a skill.




5. Set the parameters of the waiting queue for this routing rule so you can keep engaging visitors, even if respondents are not available to answer in real-time (otherwise, visitors won’t be engaged unless at least one respondent is fully available). 

The number of slots in this queue is determined by the number of agents matching your criteria (and who have logged on to the console in the last 5 days), multiplied by the number of slots per agent that you decide to configure.

You can also specify a minimum number of slots in the queue, in case few or no agents have logged on in the last 5 days.


NB: If no agent has the corresponding skill(s), the queue will not be created for this location.


6. Save your new rule.


2.3 Create a geo-routing bot

1. You can create a new bot or edit an existing one in the Automation section of the Administration.

2. Within the scenario of the bot, add a new “Geo-routing” card. In this card, choose the geo-routing rule you created in step 2.2.

3. Write a location question for your visitors.

NB: to get the best possible results, it's best for visitors to provide only the address (at least the city and postal code) and no other text.


4. Write the reply message that will introduce your locations and choose the maximum number of locations you would like to show. iAdvize will try to find a location with available agents within a 200 km radius of your visitors' address.

5. Define the Alternative in case the location can't be found. This is useful when the bot can't find a location, or if visitors typed something that is not an address, such as “Hello”.

6. Define the Alternative to transfer which will be triggered in case there are no available agents around the visitor's location.



2.4 Create a new campaign and standard routing rule

Create a new campaign or edit an existing one, and define targeting rules.

In our example, we want to display the chatbox on all pages containing Surfing products.

Create a new routing rule for the corresponding targeting rules and in "Define the routing for each group", select the bot you created in step 2.3.


You just set up Geo-routing on your website!  

1. A chatbox will be displayed on the pages defined in your targeting rules and the bot created above will take the conversation.
2. The bot will ask visitors for their address.
3. The bot will process the address of the visitor and find locations with available agents/representatives within 200km of the visitors' location.
4. A list of choices will be offered to visitors in the form of a carousel and ask them to choose their preferred location.
6. Visitors will select their preferred location and will be transferred to a representative from this specific location