Advanced reports - Activity

Activity reports allow you to consult certain very useful information related to contacts carried out through iAdvize, such as total number of contacts, number of contacts per hour, average handling time etc.

1. Accessing the activity report

To access an activity report, go to Reports > Advanced reports > Activity.

2. Consulting activity data

The operator activity reports allow you to monitor your contacts’ activity both globally and in detail.

The page you see consists of 4 elements:

(1) The filter selection:

Filter data based on results desired. You can apply a filter by channel, project, type of view (agent, type of discussion, rule, page type or conversion) and date*.

*This is the end date of a conversation that is used to associate a contact with a time slot.

(2) The indicators:

You will find the list of indicators in this report and what they correspond to in the article definition of indicators.


The number of simultaneous contacts is calculated on a simultaneous conversation time divided by the production time.

For example: on a slot from 10h to 11h where an agent does 1h of production (connected and available on the entire slot)

- He has 1 conversation that last the whole hour : simultaneous contacts = (1 x 3600) / 3600 = 1

- He has 1 conversation that last a half-hour : simultaneous contacts = (1 x 1800) / 3600 = 0,5

- He has 2 conversations simultaneously that last the whole hour : simultaneous contacts = (2 x 3600) / 3600 = 2

Other cases :

- He has 2 conversations, 1 from 10h20 to 10h30 and 1 from 10h20 to 10h40, so there are 10min during which he has 2 simultaneous conversations, for only 20min of occupation : simultaneous contacts = (2 x 600 + 1 x 600) / 3600 = 0,5


The number of contacts per hour aims at knowing how much an agent can treat in 1 h of production.

For example, 1 contact treated in 15 min of production is equal to a debit of production corresponding to about 4 contacts treated in 1 hour of production.

It allows therefore to compare the cadence of all the agents, about their time of connection.

(3) The graphics:

These show the evolution of indicators as well as the percentage distribution according to the selected view at a glance (agent, targeting rule, etc.)

(4) The data table:

This presents detailed numerical data in the form of a table. You can check the details of each line by clicking on the "pen" icon or exporting the table in CSV format using this icon .