Configure Google Tag Manager for the Google Analytics connector

If you are using Google Tag Manager to integrate our tag and the one of Google Analytics then you will have to configure it so that Google Analytics takes the events triggered by iAdvize into account.

1. Configuration of the connector from iAdvize

You must first configure the Google Analytics connector to make it compatible with your use of Google Tag Manager.
From the connector page, select "Google Tag Manager" from the drop-down menu

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.36.33.png


Then indicate the name of the Google Tag Manager container used on your site. By default, the value is "dataLayer" unless you have customized this value during your integration of Google Tag Manager. You will find the name of the container in the Google Tag Manager code that you have integrated on your site (in green below): 

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

Then configure Google Tag Manager so that iAdvize events are taken into account by your Google Analytics. 

The configuration we propose below works on a classic Google Tag Manager environment but can be adapted to your needs.

2. Create a trigger

  • Go to the "Triggers" sub-menu
  • Click on "New"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.38.30.png

  • Choose "Custom Event"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.40.48.png

  • (1) Name of the event "iAdvize"
  • (2) Click on the checkbox "Use regex matching"
  • (3) Click on "Save" (name the trigger "iAdvize")


3. Create variables

  • Go to the "Variables" sub-menu
  • Click on "New"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.45.51.png

  • Click on "Data Layer Variable"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.50.04.png

  • (1) Put "category" in "Data Layer Variable Name"
  • (2) Click on "Save"


  • Name it "iAdvize Category"


  • Redo the operation for the "action" data layer variable with the name "iAdvize Action".
  • Redo the operation for the "label" data layer variable with the name "iAdvize Label".

At the end of the step, you should get this:


4. Create a tag

  • Go to the "Tags" submenu
  • Click on "New"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.51.20.png

  • Select a tag type (The tag type depends on the version used by the client - cf. Document Google).
  • In the example: "Google Analytics : GA4 Event"

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.56.02.png

Capture d’écran 2024-07-26 à 11.56.57.png

  • (1) In "Track type" choose "Event"
  • (2) In "Category" click on the button on the right and choose "iAdvize Category" in the list
  • (3) In "Action" click on the button on the right and choose "iAdvize Action" in the list
  • (4) In "Label" click on the button on the right and choose "iAdvize Label" in the list


You should get this: 


  • In "Google Analytics Settings" select the variable Paramètres


You should get this: 


  • Click on "Save"
  • Click on the button in "Triggers"


  • Select the box with the name "iAdvize" and the type "Custom Event"


  • Name the tag "iAdvize"
  • Click on "Save"

At the end of the step, you should get this: 


Also read: Monitor the iAdvize performances with Google Analytics