IVR deflection is reducing the volume of calls that come into your contact center by diverting calls to alternate means of answering customer questions, such as a self-service channel.
1. Principle
With IVR deflection, you can use the IVR menu to suggest that the interaction move over to Messaging.
Depending on the event triggers (long waiting time, specific menu selection, routine questions etc.), your visitors could be routed to Messaging channels to continue their journey.
- Customer calls your customer service
- The IVR offers to continue via chat
- Customer presses 2
- An SMS is automatically sent to the customer phone while the IVR propose to hangs-up
- The customer clicks on the link in the SMS
- The link opens a mobile site page
- A chatbox opens automatically and invites the customer to continue the conversation
2. Benefits
2.1. Optimize customers service ressources
Deflect call to messaging allows you to gain in efficiency. In the time taken to handle one call, an agent can handle four conversations by messaging.
It also allows to save agents time by automating up to 80% of level 1 & 2 questions thanks to intelligent bots
2.2. Meet your customers expectations with messaging
Your visitors can find their answers 24/7 thanks to automation.
Asynchronous communications fit well in our busy multitasking lives.
Messaging allows rich experiences, content sharing, and escalation when necessary.
3. Set up the call to messaging deflection
Step 1. In Engagement > Campaigns create a new campaign.
Step 2. Name your campaign, and select Inbound as a type of strategy.
Step 3. Select Ongoing call as an entry point to engage your audience.
Step 4. Chose the messaging channel for the call to be redirected to, as a message (SMS, on-site chat, WA, ABM, messaging hub page…)
Step 5. Define targeting rules to trigger messaging option (ex: all incoming calls, during our of business hours, when customer center is overflowed…)
Step 6. Validate deflection scenario. Ex: press 2 to continue via chat. You will receive an SMS with a link to continue on our site chat. Depending on the messaging channels your brand is on, multiple scenarios are possible. Your usual contact at iAdvize can advice you.
Step 7. Make sure your virtual assistant is connect to the chosen channel(s)
Step 8. Depending on your visitors favorite channels and your brand strategy, deflection scenarios and set ups can vary:
Continue to SMS
- Brand IVR calls iAdvize servers
- iAdvize send out the first SMS on a separate phone number dedicated to the SMS channel and the conversation continues there
Continue to a specific channel other than WhatsApp (on-site chat, Messenger, ABM..)
- Brand IVR sends out the SMS that includes a link provided by iAdvize
- The link redirects the customer to the specific channel
Continue to WhatsApp:
- the customer automatically opts-in to receive push notifications when he choses the option
- The IVR calls iAdvize/WA servers
- Customer instantly receives a WhatsApp notification to continue the conversation
Continue to messaging:
- the IVR sends out the SMS that includes a link provided by iAdvize that will redirect the customer to a dedicated mobile page offering several messaging channels options.
Step 9. Ensure continuity of contact with your visitor
Your customer has already contacted the brand via "Call to Messaging". If he wishes to contact the brand again at a later date, but directly via WhatsApp, you need to set up a "listening" rule to ensure that the conversation reaches your agents.
How do you do this?
- Create a campaign to host your listening rule. Choose :
- An "Inbound" strategy,
- A "Messaging Apps" entry point,
- Then the "WhatsApp" channel
- Create a "Get it all" rule within this campaign. This rule combines the following criteria
- Message content contains (with wildcard): *
- The account is: select the relevant account here
- The engagement campaign does not contain (with wildcard): indicate here the campaign to be excluded.
- Remember to distribute this rule to the desired respondent group, then make sure to activate the rule and campaign.