Create a filtering rule for social channels

The filtering rule is a specificity of third-party or social channels. This rule is essential to know what types of messages should be displayed in iAdvize. 

1. Create a filtering rule

To create this rule, go to the campaign you have created for the channel. 



  • Define the name of your rule
  • Then, add conditions for receiving messages from the channel




  • Collect all messages addressed to your account that meet these conditions


Condition Settings Value Comment
Message content (1) Match with wildcards / Does not match with wildcards Text The value can be used with * to expend it. Example : *bio* will also return antibiotic.
Message type  Is/ Is not A name within the list Allows the user to create a rule for a specific page and route it to the right agents
Parent account ID (2) Is/ Is not  Number Allows to determine which Page IDs and Post Facebook IDs are used on Facebook Rules
Account Is/ Is not  A name within the list  Let the user create rules for a specific account and then route them to the right agents



(1) Warning: punctuation is not taken into account (?, !, ; etc...) 


In your filtering rules conditions (Facebook/Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, AMB), make sure to respect these 4 elements:
  • add key words in lower case and without accent
  • use negative conditions such as: "Content of the message does not contain" to facilitate distribution
  • do not use the ( | ) format

  • but use one word per condition *word*



Example: For a publication web address,
xxx is your "context ID" (page_ID) and yyy is your "post_ID".





  • Save your campaign as well as the created filtering rules by clicking on "Save".





⚠ If you wish to retrieve all messages, please make sure to use a * in "contains (with wildcards)".




2. Create an hourly filter rule

Adding a time filter allows you to set up a differentiated treatment of conversations according to their creation date/time.

This type of rule can allow you to set up a specific distribution from 9am to 8pm and another distribution from 8pm to 9am. Or even the week/weekend.

How to do it ?

  • Define the name of your filtering rule (for example "Opening Hours")
  • Then, in the list of conditions choose the slots you want
Facebook-EN01-targeting_rule.png Facebook-Messenger-EN01-targeting_rule.png

Filter Hour

Filter Day

warning If you choose to filter conversations by time slots, make sure you cover the 24 hours of a day! If a time slot is forgotten, all messages received in that slot will not be sent to your advisors' desks.

The same is true if you choose to filter by day of the week: don't forget one!

Example : I want to create a filtering rule for messages from 8:30am to 8pm. And another one for the rest of the day.

1/ I create a rule that I call "Hours worked".
2/ In the conditions menu I click on "Time".
3/ I create a condition Hour "greater than" 8:30. I validate.
4/ I create a second condition Hour "smaller" than 20:00. I validate.
I validate this first filtering rule.
5/ I create a targeting rule that I call "Non-working hours evening".
6/ In the conditions menu I click on "Time".
7/ I create a condition Time "greater than" 20:00. I validate.
8/ I create a second condition Hour "smaller" than 23:59. I validate.
I validate this second targeting rule.

9/ I create a targeting rule that I call "Non-working hours morning".
10/ In the conditions menu I click on "Time".
11/ I create a condition Time "greater than" 00:00. I validate.
12/ I create a second condition Hour "smaller" than 08:30. I validate.
I validate this third targeting rule.

The 24 hours of a day are covered, everything is good.
I continue my configuration.
Good to know :
  • The defined times and days follow the project time zone (sid). You can check/edit the time zone of your project in Profiles > My Projects.
  • It is possible to combine day and time filters. Be careful to cover all days of the week and all hours.


3. Add your filtering rule to a routing rule

After creating your filtering rule, add it to a new or existing routing rule, so that messages can be received by the dedicated agents. Click on "Engagement" > "Routing". 
