Our routing engine allows you to direct conversations from all your channels (Chat, Call, Video, Facebook, Messenger, Text Messages) according to their targeting rules, to one or more routing rules, which are themselves associated with one or more routing groups.
We advise you to give an explicit and understandable name to your rule. This way, you will be able to identify your rule in a routing group in the list of routing groups created and in report charts. If you choose to allow your agents to transfer a conversation to this rule, this name will appear in the transfer window displayed on their conversation panel!
⚠ The display of a limited number of routing rules only applies to agents. All routing rules will always be displayed in the administrator interface.
Determine the conversation queues' thresholds before saving your settings.
- 0 to engage visitors only if your agents are available to receive conversations in real-time.
- superior to 0 to engage visitors even if your agents are not available to provide visitors with real-time support. If you choose this option, you must have previously created the notification button associated with this rule from the Builder, and the new Messenger (chat box).
⚠ You must enter an integer to be able to save the rule!
The conversation queue places correspond to the number of conversations that can be placed in the queue in each distribution group.
Group A: places in conversation queue = 50
Group B: places in conversation queue = 20
Group A will be able to accumulate 50 conversations in the queue before switching to the unavailable state.
Group B will be able to accumulate 20 conversations in the queue before switching to the unavailable state.
NB : Assigned asynchronous conversations do not count in the list of pending conversations.
As these conversations are waiting for a particular agent, it was decided to no longer take them into account when cutting off engagement. This is to prevent the absence of an agent with a large amount of assigned conversations from blocking production for agents who do not have a pending conversation.
As these conversations are waiting for a particular agent, it was decided to no longer take them into account when cutting off engagement. This is to prevent the absence of an agent with a large amount of assigned conversations from blocking production for agents who do not have a pending conversation.