You want to manage your Facebook/Messenger conversations from your desk? Nothing could be easier! This article will guide you step by step...
1. Channel activation
To use Facebook Messenger, you should have the Facebook channel activated in your iAdvize account. Please contact your Success Manager if it isn't already done.
2. Facebook Messenger synchronization
"Message Us" could be used in the same way as a floating button.
In the first step, you must associate your Facebook page or pages with your SID:
Add your Facebook Messenger account directly in the iAdvize administration by this way :
Engagement > Settings > Messenger > Add new pages
- Next, you will be directed to a Facebook interface to log in to the administrator account associated with the management of your Facebook pages:
- Choose the Businesses you want iAdvize Messenger to access
- Multiple Facebook pages can be connected to a single project (SID). To do this, you need to check the relevant pages in the interface below:
You can also choose to connect only one Facebook page to a project. In that case, you should check, still within the same interface, only the page associated with the SID with which you are logged in.
In the event that you choose to connect 2 Facebook accounts, you will then encounter this interface:
- Click on Save
- Click on Got it
You will then reach this interface in iAdvize:
- Select again the 2 relevant Facebook pages, and confirm by clicking on Next
- This interface will confirm the synchronization of your 2 Facebook pages under the same SID
- You now see your 2 Facebook pages connected to your SID
When we synchronize your account "Messenger", it is your Facebook page and all private messages associated with it.
Therefore, we collect all private messages addressed to this page via this following ways:
- Thanks to the iAdvize buttons (floating or fixed) via the Messenger redirection;
- Via the "Message" button placed on your Facebook page.
Vice-versa, messages are also present in your Facebook private messaging page.
So this is the same messaging system that is available on several devices :
- Messenger on desktop;
- Messenger mobile application;
- Private messaging Facebook (desktop and mobile).
Like any iAdvize interaction element, the display of the Message Us button is conditioned by targeting rules, or present as a fixed button.
Also, to help you configure these pages, please refer to the Facebook article about the Global or Local Pages.
3. Activation of the channel for users
The last step consists to add the social media expertise to your agents who have to answer to social media messages.
By the way, a picking-list corresponded to one SID where the rules and the social accounts are synchronized. So, this requires that the user has the correct site associated in his "Expertise" field.
4. Create a campaign and targeting rule for social and 3rd party channels
First of all, the creation of a campaign dedicated to the channel is necessary. Go to the following path: Engagement > Campaign > Click on Create a campaign
- Then you just need to define a name for your campaign, and select Inbound as a type of strategy.
- Then select Messaging Apps as an entry point to engage your audience.
- Then select Facebook Messenger as a channel to engage your audience.
- Then, if you need, create a targeting rule to display a notification on your site. For example: "Btn - Messenger"
5. Create a rule
You will then proceed to the step of creating a filtering rule to retrieve conversations from that channel. Click on "Add".
5.1 Create a filtering rule
- Define the name of your rule
- Then, add conditions for receiving messages from the channel
- Collect all messages addressed to your Facebook Messenger account that meet these conditions
Condition | Settings | Value | Comment |
Message content (1) | Match with wildcards / Does not match with wildcards | Text | The value can be used with * to expend it. Example : *bio* will also return antibiotic. |
Message type | Is/ Is not | A name within the list | Allows the user to create a rule for a specific page and route it to the right agents |
Parent account ID (2) | Is/ Is not | Number | Allows to determine which Page IDs and Post Facebook IDs are used on Facebook Rules |
Account | Is/ Is not | A name within the list | Let the user create rules for a specific account and then route them to the right agents |
All people who respond to a comment will have their messages attached to the same conversation. On the other hand, each comment to a Facebook post will generate a separate conversation in the conversation panel.
- add key words in lower case and without accent
- use negative conditions such as: "Content of the message does not contain" to facilitate distribution
- do not use the ( | ) format
- but use one word per condition *word*
xxx is your "context ID" (page_ID) and yyy is your "post_ID".
- Save your campaign as well as the created filtering rules by clicking on "Create".
Adding a time filter allows you to set up a differentiated treatment of conversations according to their creation date/time.
This type of rule can allow you to set up a specific distribution from 9am to 8pm and another distribution from 8pm to 9am. Or even the week/weekend.
How to do it ?
- Define the name of your filtering rule (for example "Opening Hours")
- Then, in the list of conditions choose the slots you want
Filter Hour
The same is true if you choose to filter by day of the week: don't forget one!
6/ In the conditions menu I click on "Time".
7/ I create a condition Time "greater than" 20:00. I validate.
8/ I create a second condition Hour "smaller" than 08:30. I validate.
I validate this second targeting rule.
- The defined times and days follow the project time zone (sid). You can check/edit the time zone of your project in Profiles > My Projects.
- It is possible to combine day and time filters. Be careful to cover all days of the week and all hours.
6. Add your filtering rule to a routing rule
After creating your filtering rule, add it to a new or existing routing rule, so that messages can be received by the dedicated agents. Click on "Engagement" > "Routing".
To learn more about the implementation of Facebook/Messenger, please consult the following guide: