This article was designed as a sequel to our express onboarding where we explained how to install a basic strategy on iAdvize. You can improve this strategy and answer more efficiently to a greater amount of visitors if you install conversation queues that allow your agents to handle conversations with a delay.
If you want, you can also increase your answering capacity thanks to a chatbot; this other article explains how to combine chatbots and conversation queues .
1. Extend your conversation queue
This feature allows your agents to handle some conversations in an asynchronous way, “smoothing” the way they handle conversations and increasing their productivity. If your visitors have left the website by the time the agents handle their message, they will be notified of their answer by email.
If you want to activate this feature, remain in the “Engagement”→”routing”→” routing rule section” and simply click on the pencil on the right of your routing rule “to answer team” to modify it again.
In section 2 “Define the distribution for each group”, you can write in the “slots in the conversation queue” column a value that roughly corresponds to the following formula:
(number of agents in your team) x (average handling capacity per hour )x (available time that you do not wish to dedicate to live messages)
For example: if a 5-people team handles on average 10 messages per hour, per agent, and usually have 3 off-peak hours in a working day, then the formula is 5 x 10 x 3 = 150 slots in a queue, which is significant.
As a precaution, we recommend that you set a lower number of slots to see how your agents handle it, in this example, 75 slots, then progressively increase this number according to their performance: you now know how to set this number, and any change will take immediate effect on your conversational strategy.
More information on conversation queues