The Customer Experience report

The customer experience report gives you an idea of how your visitors perceived their exchange with your respondents on iAdvize. To make the most of it, we strongly recommend that you activate the satisfaction survey that will be presented to them at the end of all their conversations. 

1. The report indicators

The report show you four indicators, as well as the answers given to the open question.


The iAdvize "Customer Experience" report is based on "conversations" to extract key indicators, calculated using a "median". This report highlights the quality of the visitor experience through several indicators:


  • CSAT (Customer Satisfaction): This score measures customer satisfaction. It can be viewed from multiple angles: by evolution, by ratings, by agent, by groups, by distribution rules, by distribution groups, by degree of automation, and by campaign.


  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): This index measures the likelihood that customers will recommend the service. It is analyzed by evolution and by ratings.


  • First Response Time: This metric measures the time agent take to initially respond to visitors.


  • Resolution Time: This is the time required to resolve a conversation.


Each indicator allows displaying graphs detailing performance according to different parameters.


For example, CSAT can be analyzed from multiple angles: by evolution (percentage of satisfaction every 3 hours over a 24-hour period), by ratings (evaluations between 1 and 5, calculated as a percentage of other responses), by agent (ranking of agent by CSAT and a second graph by average CSAT), by groups (ranking of agent groups by customer satisfaction), by distribution rules (ranking of distribution rules by customer satisfaction), by distribution groups (ranking of distribution groups by customer satisfaction), by degree of automation (comparison of customer satisfaction by degree of automation), and by campaign (ranking of campaigns by customer satisfaction)


At the bottom of the page, after clicking on the CSAT indicator, you can also view some indicators from the "Customer Experience" report in table form. This lists visitor comments at the end of the conversation, as well as the CSAT and NPS scores they gave, along with some information on the date and time of the rating.


The following video presents the satisfaction indicators in detail: CSAT, NPS and open-ended question:


2. Nuances of interpretation


  • your visitors may choose not to complete the survey, or not to see it (they may have left your site before your respondents closed the conversation).
  • they may start the survey but not complete it (in this case, iAdvize still keeps all completed responses).
  • a visitor may be happy with the conversation and your brand, but also be happy with the exchange, without being happy with your brand or without recommending it: a high CSAT does not always mean a high NPS.
  • on the other hand, an unsatisfactory exchange (low CSAT) is very likely to impact the brand image (low NPS)! This is why it is important to train your respondents and to create the conditions for a good conversational experience.
  • Each satisfaction rating is associated to all respondents who have processed the conversation, and a visitor who gives you feedback on his experience is likely to respond to you on the whole of his experience, which may include other contacts or a waiting time.

3. Carry out your analysis

As with all other iAdvize reports, filters allow you to further analyze your results, for example to:

  • examine the first response time and the resolution time according to the satisfaction scores to check that your visitors are waiting a reasonable time.
  • compare results by respondent or respondent group.
  • if you use a bot, compare the results according to the degree of automation of your conversations.
  • compare your results by channel: chat, video, messaging applications...
  • consult the answers to the open questions according to the satisfaction score obtained.
  • to better understand the satisfaction scores obtained, access all the conversations through the links to the Conversations report:

4. Your tracks for improvement 

If you feel that your customer experience results can be improved, here are a few ways to do so: 

  • to avoid bad experiences due to bad use of the iAdvize tool (long waiting times, interruptions) a webinar dedicated to the discovery of iAdvize is available on iAdvize Academy: your teams can train.
  • once the iAdvize tool is well understood, you can also train your respondents to good practices (responsiveness and time to respect, conversation steps, relationship) thanks to dedicated courses, also available on iAdvize Academy.

5. Customer Experience Report and Responsiveness Report

Although the "Customer Experience Report" and "Responsiveness" reports may seem similar, they fundamentally differ in their indicators and methodology. The "Customer Experience Report" report focuses on visitor satisfaction and experience, while the "Responsiveness" report measures the operational performance of the agent.


Moreover, the indicators in the Responsiveness Report are calculated using an average to smooth out fluctuations and provide an overall view of performance, identifying general trends despite extreme values. However, the indicators in the Customer Experience Report are calculated using a median, as it excludes extreme values and better reflects the experience of the majority of visitors, offering a more precise and representative measure of overall satisfaction.


To understand how to calculate these indicators, you can refer to this article.

This article will detail the indicators related to the Responsiveness Report.