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Definition of indicators

A glossary is also available to explain the lexicon used by the iAdvize team.

Conversations indicators

Conversations and Production report 


Indicator Definition

Conversations closed 

The number of conversations closed since the start of the day. This number increases when a respondent closes a conversation.

Conversations may be made up of several contacts, and may therefore have been handled by multiple agents, bots or experts.

ID Conversation

Unique identifier attached to a conversation.

ID Contact

Unique identifier attached to a conversation on an agent's conversation panel.

ID Client

Unique identifier attached to a customer to authenticate him or her.
It is possible to make the link between the identifier you assign to your customers, and the visitors with whom you have exchanged via iAdvize.
This identifier will be stored by iAdvize and associated with the visitor's file.

Pending conversations 

The sum of conversations waiting in queues. These are either new conversations or conversations which came back to a conversation queue after being snoozed.


Ongoing conversations  The number of conversations currently open on the respondent's console.
Snoozed conversations 
Conversations snoozed by agents. Conversations go back to queues when their snooze period comes to an end or when the visitor sends a new message.



Customer experience indicators

These indicators allow you to measure the experience you offer to your customers.

Customer experience report


Indicator Definition

First reply time 

The median time* during which your customers wait to get the first answer from one of your agents.

*The median allows you to exclude extreme values. For example, you can exclude an agent who forgot to close a conversation.

Sending time of the agent's first response - Sending time of the first message sent by the visitor. It does not consider the bot's responses. Nor the first automatic response (from the Chatbox Builder or from the settings > chat)

This indicator is calculated based on conversations.

Resolution time 
The median duration* of conversations closed over the period.

*The median allows you to exclude extreme values. For example, you can exclude an agent who forgot to close a conversation.

End date - sending time of the first message sent by the visitor
This indicator is calculated based on conversations.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) 
The percentage of clients satisfied with the conversations they have had with an agent, whether it was a professional agent, expert, or bot.

The satisfaction rating applies to all respondents involved in the conversation (an agent who forwarded a conversation will, therefore, be assigned the same satisfaction rating as the agent who closed the conversation).

CSAT = ((number of 4 + number of 5) / number of responses) * 100
Net Promoter Score (NPS) 
The Net Promoter Score evaluates customer advocacy represented by your visitors’ likelihood to recommend your brand to their friends, family, or colleagues.

NPS = (% promoters) - (% detractors)

NB: Promoters: scores of 9 and 10 / by the nb of respondents and detractors: grades from 0 to 6 / per nb of respondents.

The NPS score is considered good when it is positive.


Automation indicators

These indicators allow you to measure your automation strategy performance.
Automation report.


Indicator Definition


Share or sum of conversations in which a bot participated, with or without humans.

Fully automated conversations 

Share or sum of conversations in which only bots participated.


Share or sum of fully automated conversations whose visitors have gone to the end of the scenario.

Drop off 

Share or sum of fully automated conversations from which visitors left before the end of the bot scenario.

Transfer fails 

Share or sum of fully automated conversations that have been closed because visitors should have been transferred to humans but failed (due to lack of availability on the defined distribution rule).

Partially automated conversations 
Share or sum of conversations in which bots and humans participated.

Not automated conversations 
Share or sum of conversations in which only humans participated.

CSAT of your automated conversations 

CSAT of all conversations in which a bot participated, with or without humans.

Intents fallback rate 

Share of conversations in which at least one intent detection has lead to a fallback. 

In the case of a conversation with multiple intent detections, only one fallback is required for the conversation to be considered in the Intents fallback rate, even if some were successful.


Indicators linked to generative AI

These indicators allow you to measure the performance of your generative AI strategy.
You can find them in this article.

Handling indicators

These indicators allow you to measure your agents' productivity and responsiveness.

Team Activity - Activity & Responsiveness


Indicator Definition Formula


The number of contacts handled during the selected period for the Chat, Call and Video channels.

A contact is created when a conversation is pushed to a professional agent, expert, or bot. It ends when the conversation is being snoozed, transferred, or closed. A contact does not have to contain a response from the agent, bot or expert to be created.

A contact is created each time the conversation is pushed.
We can therefore have multiple contacts for a single conversation.

Sum of contacts

Simultaneous contacts
The average number of contacts handled simultaneously by an agent during the agent's log-in time.
The average number of simultaneous contacts for the period

Contacts per hour


The average number of contacts handled by an agent for an hour of production.

This indicator is unavailable with a multi-site view
Number of contacts handled / production time
Average handling time (AHT)

The average duration of all contacts handled (by agents, experts or bots).

The duration of a contact is defined by the difference between the date the contact ended (closed, snoozed or transferred) and the date the contact was made available on the agent's desk (the "push").

Average of duration for all contacts

Number of messages received

The total number of messages received over the period in and out of the contacts. Sum of received messages

Number of messages sent

The total number of messages sent over the period in the contacts. Sum of sent messages

Contacts with no response

(Unanswered Cts)

The number of contacts initiated by a visitor with no response from an agent.  Sum of initiated contacts with no response

Response time


Average response time between a customer request and the agent's response within the contacts.

Response time does not take into account out of contact delays (waiting time, paused conversation...).

🤖 Contacts handled by bots are excluded from this indicator.
🎥 Video type contacts are excluded from this indicator.
📞 Call type contacts are excluded from this indicator.

Average of time taken between a visitor message and agent response.
NB. If a contact does not have a visitor message (e.g. following a snooze or transfer), the response time is calculated from the moment the conversation is assigned to the advisor (the push).

First message response time

(1st Msg. RT)

The average time between the availability of the contact on the agent's or expert's desk (the "push") and the first response from the agent or expert.

The waiting time is therefore not included in the calculation of this indicator.


If the agent does not send a message and pauses the conversation, this contact will not count in the calculation of this indicator.


🤖 Contacts handled by bots are excluded from this indicator.
🎥 Video type contacts are excluded from this indicator.
📞 Call type contacts are excluded from this indicator.

Average of 1MRT

Closing time

(Last Msg. CT)

The average time between the last message from the visitor (within the contact) and the closing of the contact.

If there is no message from the visitor within the contact, e.g. after a snooze, the availability of the contact on the agent's or expert's desk (the "push") is used for the calculation.

🤖 Contacts handled by bots are excluded from this indicator.
🎥 Video type contacts are excluded from this indicator.
📞 Call type contacts are excluded from this indicator.

Average of time taken between a visitor's last message and the end of contact by the agent.


Presence indicators

These indicators allow you to measure your agent's presence and status.

Presence - Overview and Presence - Status reports


Indicator Definition Formula
Connected respondents The number of respondents connected for each channel used.  
Occupation of respondents An overview of how full your slots are.  

Display time

The length of time during which the channel was presented on the website. It is the time slot during which at least one agent was present and available on the channel.

The sum of the periods during which at least one agent was available

Display rate

The percentage of the login time during which the channel was available on the website.
Display time/Accumulated log-in time (in percentage)

Non-display time

The length of time during which the channel was not presented on the website even though at least one agent was present.
Accumulated log-in time - Display time
Non-display rate
The percentage of the login time during which the channel was not available on the website.
Non-display time/Accumulated log-in time (in percentage)
Login time
The length of time during which agents were logged in. The length of time during which at least one agent was present.
The sum of the periods during which at least one agent was connected to the discussion panel
Accumulated login time
The total period during which the agents were logged in to their conversation panel.
Sum of the log-in time (connection to the discussion panel) of all agents.
The maximum number of agents logged in
The maximum number of agents logged in at the same time over a given period. // Social: the largest number of agents logged in at the same time simultaneously with the picking list open. 
Maximum (agents connected simultaneously)

In production

(In Prod.)

The period during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is available or busy.
Sum of the unoccupation durations, partial activity and maximum occupation of each agent

Production rate

(Prod. Rate)

The percentage of log-in time during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is either available or busy.
Length of time in production / accumulated login time

Not in production

(Not In Prod.)

The period during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is both unavailable and unoccupied.
Sum of the duration of each agent where there is simultaneous unavailability and inoccupation

Not in production rate

(Not.Prod. Rate)

The percentage of log-in time during which an agent is both unavailable and unoccupied.
Length of time not in production / Accumulated login time

Unoccupancy time


The period during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is both available and unoccupied.
Sum of the duration of each agent where there is simultaneous availability and inoccupation

Unoccupancy rate

(Unocc. Rate.)

The percentage of the period in production during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is both available and unoccupied.
Length of time during which the agent was unoccupied / Period in production

Fully occupied

(Max. Occ.)

The period during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is occupied to maximum capacity.
Duration of maximum occupation / Duration in production

Occupancy rate

(Max. Occ. Rate)

The percentage of the period in production during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is occupied to maximum capacity. Duration of global occupation / Duration in production

Partial occupancy

(Part. Occ.)

Time during which an agent is connected to the console while busy without having reached maximum occupancy. Sum of the durations of each agent where there is occupancy but not maximum occupancy

Partial occupancy rate

(Part. Occ. Rate)

The percentage of the period in production during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is partially occupied.

Length of time during which the agent was partially occupied / Length of time during which the agent was in production

Global occupancy time
The period during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is partially occupied or occupied to maximum capacity.
Maximum occupancy + Partial occupancy
Global occupancy rate
The percentage of the period in production during which an agent is logged in to the conversation panel and is partially occupied or occupied to maximum capacity.
Overall occupancy time / Length of time in production


Customer engagement indicators

These indicators allow you to optimize your targeting strategy.

Contacts - Activity report filtered by targeting rule or campaign


Indicator Definition
Engagement rate Number of conversations initiated / Number of displays

Response rate

Contacts / Displays


The number of the channel's displays generated on the website over the period.


The number of times a targeting rule has been triggered, as a consequence of visitors meeting the right criteria.
Coverage rate (unavailable in the admin) Number of triggers / Number of page view
Exploitation rate (unavailable in the admin) Number of displays / Number of triggers


Sales indicators

These indicators allow you to measure your sales performance with iAdvize.

Sales - Activity report


Indicator Definition Formula
Conversion rate  The percentage of conversations that led to a transaction.

Number of transactions/conversations closed
Transactions after conversation / conversations handled
T/O after conversation
The total turnover of visitors who had a conversation and completed a transaction during or after the conversation.

Sum of the amounts of transactions after a conversation
Website turnover (TO)
The website's total turnover, all website visitors included.

Sum of transaction amounts of the site
Transaction after conversation
The total number of transactions from visitors who had a conversation and completed a transaction during or after the conversation.

Number of transactions after conversation
Website transactions
The total number of transactions, all website visitors included.

Number of website transactions
Average order value (AOV) after a conversation
The average order value for transactions completed during or after a conversation.

Average amounts of transactions after a conversation
Website AOV
The average order value, all website visitors included.
Average transaction amounts of the website
Time before purchase
The average time between the first exchange and the transaction.

The average time between the first message of the visitor and the transaction
TO per conversation
The average turnover generated after a conversation.

AOV after a conversation / number of conversations
TO after conversation/hour
The average turnover generated by an agent during an hour of production.

TO of an agent/hours of production


Indicators related to missed contact opportunities

These indicators estimate the number of conversations you could have handled along with the turnover these conversations could have generated.

Contacts - Opportunities and Sales - Opportunities reports 


Indicator Definition Formula

Missed conversations estimate

(Missed Contacts Estim.)

The estimated number of conversations that were missed because agents were 100% busy, offline, not in production, or because the conversation queue was full. Total displays missed x Engagement rate on the targeting rule on the last 15 days

Missed conversations estimate (agents absent)

(Missed Contacts : absent)

The estimated number of conversations were missed because agents were absent, not in production, or because the conversation queue was full. Missed displays (agents absent) x Response rate 

Missed conversations estimate (agents 100% busy)

(Missed Contacts : busy)

The estimated number of conversations that were missed because agents were 100% busy or because the conversation queue was full. Missed displays (agents fully occupied) x Response rate 

Missed turnover estimate (agents 100% busy)

(T/O M. Busy)

The estimated turnover missed out on because agents were 100% busy or because the conversation queue was full. Missed transactions (agents fully occupied) x average basket after a conversation

Missed turnover estimate (agents absent)

(T/O. M. Absent)

The estimated turnover missed out on because agents were not logged in or not in production, or because the conversation queue was full. Missed transactions (agents absent) x average basket after a conversation

Missed transactions estimate (agents completely busy)

(T. M. Busy)

The estimated number of transactions missed out on because agents were 100% busy or because the conversation queue was full. Missed transactions (agents fully occupied) x conversion rate after a conversation

Missed transactions estimate (agents absent)

(T. M. Absent)

The estimated number of transactions missed out on because agents were not logged or not in production, or because the conversation queue was full.

Missed transactions (agents absent) x conversion rate after a conversation


Indicators related to the Video channel

Added to the API, these indicators are not available in the iAdvize solution administration reports.

You can find details of this information by salesperson and salesperson group.

Indicator Definition
Pick-up rate Number of conversations picked up by sellers.
Pick-up time Time elapsed between the visitor's video request and the advisor picking up the call.
Video call duration Duration of the video exchange between the visitor and the sales assistant
You can filter the volume of conversations and the CSAT, irrespective of whether or not there was a video exchange.