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Export my reports in .csv format

The iAdvize administration allows you to export your custom reports in .csv format in order to make the most of the data in other tools such as Excel.

1. How to export your reports in .CSV format?

 Once logged to the iAdvize administration, you can find in the Reports” section the Export in CSV” functionality easily identifiable by the following icon:
The export functionality can be found:
    • In the graphics section, 
    • In the data table section. 


Step 1

Apply filters according to your needs (dates, projects, channels, etc.).
The data table export takes into account the filters applied in the filters console.

Several time periods are available depending on the filter applied:

  • If you have selected a "Today" or "Yesterday" filter, only the hourly export is available,
  • If you have selected a filter based on "Last 7 days", export by hour and export by day are available,
  • If you have selected a filter based on "last 30 days", "this month" or "last month", export by day and export by week are available,
  • If you have selected a filter based on a personalized period, the solution will select the most relevant periods (hour, day, week or month).




Step 2

Display your data by hour, day, week or month using the button in the graphical element. 




Step 3

Export your data.


The export is provided in .csv format - a format supported by most spreadsheet softwares such as Excel. Separators used are commas or semi-colons.




Tips : to convert a .csv file in a .xlsx file in Excel, you can use the Convert text to columns” functionality. We invite you to visit the following article from the Microsoft support website for more information:

2. Use cases


Number of contacts


(For example : per month for a given year): 

1- The report  Contacts - activity
2- The channel
3- The time frame
4- The filter: by month
5- Export in CSV


A file in CSV format is downloaded

Agents reactivity

1- The report  Contacts - responsiveness
2- The channel 
3- The filterby agent
4- The time frame
Scroll down to the data table section
5- Export


A file in CSV format is downloaded

Conversations export

1- Select the 'Conversations' report
2- Activate the desired filters (Date, channel, Satisfaction, etc...) then click on "Export".

NB: our conversation data are exported only in csv format.

An email is sent with the exported data
You can choose whether or not to include message content.


Transaction IDs export

1- The report Sales - activity
2- The channel
3- The filter: per transaction
4- The time frame
Scroll down to the data table section
5- Export


A file in CSV format is downloaded