Deploy iAdvize: Step 1 - Install the iAdvize tag on your site


This article is here to guide you through the necessary steps for the rapid deployment of iAdvize. This strategy is a sort of quick-start package, so you can quickly use the solution and start collecting data. However, iAdvize can help you build very sophisticated conversational strategies, something you will still be able to do later. 


NB : To execute the actions described below, you need to read the implementation guide that you (or the person in charge of the deployment) received in an e-mail.


As an introduction to these 6 steps, here is an overview of our program :


Before anything else: Install the iAdvize tag on your site !

simple tag is enough to install iAdvize on your whole website. It is specific to your website and your project.

You’ll find it in the implementation guide that you, or the person in charge of the deployment of iAdvize, received in an e-mail.  

You can install the tag manually on all the pages of your website (otherwise you might lose your visitor during their navigation), ideally, as close as possible to the </body> markup, or even better, use a tag management system such as Google Tag Manager.

The main iAdvize tag is the only necessary tag for iAdvize to function properly, but a conversion tag and a custom data tag also exist and can be very useful. You will also find informations in your implementation guide as well as in our dedicated article.
It's important that you install the iAdvize tag on all the pages on your site, so that respondents can keep chatting with your visitors even as they navigate through your site. Otherwise:  
-  visitors can lose the conversation when landing on a page where the tag isn't installed
-  in turn, respondents may not understand why visitors don’t answer anymore 
-  visitors will have a bad experience, and thus, leave you a bad satisfaction grade


Later, you'll find the main tag in the iAdvize Administration, by clicking on your avatar and in the menu "Project": click on "code to insert". 


You also received an attestation regarding the privacy of your visitors’s data that mentions the
idz_hide confidentiality tag. Please sign it and send it back!



Once the iAdvize tag installed, you can configure iAdvize, starting with the customization of your notifications and your chatbox. Don’t know how to do it? Let's go to the Step 2!