As an administrator or manager, you can create or edit an account giving your employees access to iAdvize. You can create as many accounts as you want.
This tutorial summarizes how to create a user account. The steps are detailed in the rest of the article.
1. Access the page to create or edit a user account
To access the page to create or edit a user account, select Settings, then User Management :
To create a new account, click on the icon that you'll find on the right side.
To edit or delete an account, click the corresponding icon: or
Within the statistical reports, you will simply see “Deleted User” in place of its name.
For the rest, there is no particular consequence following a deletion.
To edit your own account, click on your avatar on the upper right corner to get quick access to your own account My account :
2. User account information
This is where you define the user information (role, name, surname, email address).
Depending on the associated role, the user will have access to certain features :
- An agent account can only access the panel.
- A manager account gives access to the panel as well as statistics and chat history.
- An administrator account provides unlimited access and can change iAdvize settings.
3. Communication channel
Displayed to visitors
This is the configuration of information that can be displayed to visitors.
- Agent's Username: will be displayed under the avatar in the chatbox and can be called using the dynamic tag {OP_pseudo} in the automatic message sent at the start and end of the discussion or canned answers. It can be used to keep the real identity of agents secret and to attribute a nickname to the user profile
Avatar: a portrait of the agent that can be displayed in the dialogue window. We strongly advise you to optimise the size of your file, 60px by 60px in PNG, jpg or gif format, bearing in mind that automatic resizing is applied afterwards. This square format will be then automatically displayed in a circle.
Select the communication channels supported by your agents.
Depending on your subscription, some channels may not be available.
NB: If you have subscribed to the model in contact, there is no restriction of use per channel. (For more information about the contact model, please contact your CSM)
3.1 Chat channel
You can set the number of concurrent discussions that an agent can support (up to 6 discussions but for better ease of use we recommend not managing more than 4 discussions simultaneously). If several agents are connected to the panel, you can choose to direct new incoming chats in priority to a specific agent, by checking the "Give priority to conversations" box.
3.2 Call channel
You can define how the agent will answer calls (from their iAdvize
panel or from a landline).If several agents are handling calls, you can choose to direct new calls in priority to an agent by clicking the "Give priority to calls" box.
The "Ask for the phone number every time you sign in" option can be enabled if the agent is required to frequently change the hotline number and you want iAdvize to provide routing. The direct line number of the agents will always be asked when they connect to the
3.3 Video channel
If several agents are handling video calls, you can choose to direct new calls in priority to a specific agent by clicking the "Give the priority to video conversations" box.
3.4 Social and 3rd party channel
You will only be able to see this channel if you subscribed to it. You can here define the number of messages to which an agent can answer simultaneously.
3.5 Enable simultaneous chat and phone conversations
If this option is not checked, the agent who is currently handling a chat will no longer receive calls and vice versa.
4. Expertise

4.1 Skills
You can assign skills to your agents (e.g., after-sales service). So you can direct your visitors to a particular skill using behavioural targeting rules. If agents with this skill are not available, your visitors will be transferred to another available agent.
4.2 Websites
If your iAdvize account encompasses multiple websites, you likely have established several projects within iAdvize. It's feasible to specify that an agent will handle conversations from one or more of these websites/projects through their conversation panel.
4.3 Group
It is possible to associate a set of users to a group (in the same way as for skills). A user associated with a group (including an administrator) will not be able to view statistics or change the settings from another group.
5. Localization

5.1 Main language
Select the primary language of the user. This is the language in which he will get iAdvize after the login.
5.2 Languages managed from the panel
These are the languages that the agents can support within their
By default, we rely on the browser language of the visitor to determine the language spoken by the visitor.
5.3 Time zone
You can now define the timezone of each user.
This setting will impact all the data that he will see in the iAdvize application (statistics, date/time of conversations, ...)
5.4 Date format / Time format
Finally, you will be able to set a favourite date and time format in your user account preferences. It means that if you prefer to work with AM/PM and yyyy-mm-dd rather than 24:00 and dd-mm-yyyy, it’s up to you now.
6. Advanced options
The external ID allows you to attach the ID you assigned to your agent to its iAdvize account.
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