Send rich links preview

To ensure a rich experience for the visitor, the visitor will be able to see at least a preview of a link with at least the image in the thread (through Open Graph tags or through a fallback). This feature is available on desktop and on mobile.

In order to have the preview in the thread of the conversation panel, agents can for example:

  • type the URL by hand (prefix "http" or "https") or copy and paste the URL in the input field
NB: a few seconds are needed for the preview to be retrieved, in order to generate the preview of the rich link in the composition area


  • type their text + the URL juxtaposed to the text in the input field.

  • if an Open Graph tag is available in your website code, and if the site allows it, in the case of a video, an image extract of the video will be displayed in the rich link card
Technical requirements
In order to work properly, iAdvize's rich links feature must be able to retrieve Open Graph tags from our clients' HTML pages. It is therefore necessary that these pages are accessible without captcha challenge and without having to execute Javascript by our services.
The IPs of our robots are:

In the conversation panel (agent side)

Agents will be able to see the preview of the link directly in the composition area, and delete it if needed (for example, in case of errors displayed, too many spelling errors or bad images):

When sending, agents also see the preview in their thread:


In the chatbox (visitor side)

When sending in the thread, 3 preview options are possible. Depending on what the Open Graph tags contain, the visitor will see :

1. Image + title + description + link


2. Image + title + link


3. Image + description + link


NB: in case there is no Open Graph tags available in your website code, a fallback will occur and the visitor will see the preview containing these elements which are rarely absent in your website code:
  • the title of the page
  • the description of the page
  • the favicon of the site as an image (gif/jpeg / png format)


This preview feature of a link only works in the agents to visitor direction, for channels chat (and SDK v2), call video, WhatsApp and AMB (Apple Messages for Business)*.

It does not
work in the visitor or bot to agent direction.

*Not available for other third part messaging channels currently.