Features on desktop conversation panel and mobile app

As an agent, your main working tool is your iAdvize conversation panel. Here is a presentation of the functionalities offered to you on desktop and mobile app.

1. On Desktop

Conv. panel
Pro agent
Chat conv.
Conv. panel
Pro agent + ibbü
3rd part conversations (FB, Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS)
Conv. panel
 ibbü & cty Expert
Chat conv.
Conv. panel
Pro agent
Mobile conv. (SDK)
Conv. panel
Pro agent
Video conv.
✅  ✅ 
only for private conv.

Open the current page
Snooze a conversation       ✅ 
only at the end of the conv.
only at the end of the conv.


2. On the mobile App

Mobile App iAdvize
Pro agent & CTY
Conv. chat
Mobile App iAdvize
Pro agent + ibbü 
3rd party (FB,Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS)
ibbü Mobile App
Chat conv.
ibbü Expert
Mobile conv.
Conv. panel
Pro agent
Video conv.
Send an pre-recorded offer
Send a file
Send a pre-recorded link
Co-Browsing (take control over the visitor’s browsing)
Open the current page
Transfer a conversation
Snooze a conversation from a conversation queue    
Canned answers
Send an emoji
Block the visitor
Tag a conversation


Note: on the iAdvize mobile application, it is not possible to send the conversation history