Agents, follow your indicators, your closed or snoozed conversations

If your admin grants you access to your indicators, you can now check your live performances from your conversation panel, access your new Indicators dashboard and/or closed conversations.

1. Desktop view

1.1 Indicators of the day

When chatting from the Conversation panel, you can see your performance indicators of the day in real-time, by clicking on the "graph" icon on the top right corner of your screen.


You can see up to 10 indicators, according to your admin's choices.

  • Indicators are sorted by category:
    • Conversations (Number of conversations / Average Handling Time / Average response time / First message response time)
    • Satisfaction (NPS / CSAT)
    • Sales (Turnover / N° of transactions / Average order value / Conversion rate)

1.2 Indicators dashboard

From the "Today's indicators" widget, if it is activated, you can see your full Indicators dashboard, which gives you a more comprehensive view of your indicators. If the widget is not activated, you can access it simply by clicking on "Indicators".

Please note : this widget can only be activated by your administrator.


You can see up to 10 indicators, according to your admin's choices.

  • Weekly indicators are displayed by default, but you can display your indicators according to 3 different periods : day / week / month.
  • Your dashboard also gives you a trend for your indicators : up, down or stable. A tooltip details the comparison made for each indicator.
  • Indicators are sorted by category:
    • Conversations (Number of conversations / Average Handling Time / Average response time / First message response time)
    • Satisfaction (NPS / CSAT)
    • Sales (Turnover / N° of transactions / Average order value / Conversion rate)


  • When clicking on specific indicator, you can see a graph describing its evolution over the selected period

1.3 Closed conversations

When you are logged in as an agent, you can view the contents of your closed conversations by clicking in the top right-hand corner of your desk.


When you click on the closed conversations feature, you can return to your conversation panel at any time and see the new message notifications (top left) or click on the red cross at the top right.

The conversation panel is collapsed by default, so you see all your closed conversations on the left side.


The most recent conversations appear at the top.

You can search for a specific conversation using the search engine: filter by keyword or conversation ID.


Please note that the search word is underlined in the conversation.

The set of closed conversations is displayed by default for all time periods, but you have the option to filter them by date (by month), CSAT, NPS and channels.




You can combine filters with each other.


By clicking on a conversation, you can read the past conversation and see the details of the associated indicators (satisfaction survey, tags, duration of the conversation).  The transactions will be visible if your administrator activates your access from his space.


1.4 Snoozed conversations

From your console you can also access your snoozed conversations.



You can see the details of each of them.



If a visitor replies to a snoozed conversation, you can see a notification in the current conversation thread. You can reopen the conversation before the end of the time limit (depending on your availability slots) as long as you have assigned it to yourself by checking the box. Read more here.




When the conversation is assigned to you and the visitor writes to you when you are not available, the conversation will appear in the current conversation thread.


2. iAdvize app view

When using the iAdvize mobile application, you can access the closed or snoozed conversations feature and the same indicators by clicking on the "Activity" section.

2.1 Indicators tables

The indicators of the week are displayed by default, but you can display your indicators according to 3 different periods (day / week / month) and see graphs just like you would do on the desktop version of the dashboard.

A tooltip details the comparison made for each indicator. To see the tooltip, please press the trend value.


2.2 Closed conversations




2.3 Snoozed conversations


3. Indicators

Your admin can grant you access to up to 10 indicators: Number of conversations, Average handling time, Average response time, Average first response time, CSAT, NPS, Turnover, Number of transactions, Average order value, Conversion rate

To know more about those indicators, please read this article : Definition of indicators

How the indicators are calculated?

Conversation at conversation closing in which the agent participated
Average handling time at conversation closing
Average response time at conversation closing
Average first response time at conversation closing
CSAT at conversation end poll. The CSAT will be distributed among all agents who participated in the conversation
NPS at conversation end poll
Turnover at transaction recording
Number of transactions at transaction recording. This will be assigned to the last agent who sent a message
Average order value at transaction recording
Conversion rate at conversation closing

View per week:

Conversation Number of cumulative conversations during the week
Average handling time Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
Average response time Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
Average first response time Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
CSAT Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
NPS Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
Turnover Total of the week
Number of transactions Total of the week
Average order value Weighted average for the week by number of conversations
Conversion rate Weighted average for the week by number of conversations

View per month:

Conversation Number of cumulative conversations during the month
Average handling time Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
Average response time Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
Average first response time Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
CSAT Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
NPS Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
Turnover Total of the month
Number of transactions Total of the month
Average order value Weighted average for the month by number of conversations
Conversion rate Weighted average for the month by number of conversations


→ day = starts at 00:00
→ week = Monday to Sunday (NB: Some US local weeks start on Sunday)
→ month = starts the 1st


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