On the left hand side of your screen you will see status boxes which represent your various ongoing conversations.
- (1) the one shifted to the right and surrounded by a black border is the one you are responding to
- (2) those with an orange border are those on which your interlocutors have already replied to you: they are therefore waiting for a reply and must be treated as a priority!
- you can see on each conversation its ID number, the channel concerned if the visitor is online, the time elapsed since your last message and the time elapsed since the beginning of the conversation
- you can choose to reduce these status boxes to a miniature version to clear your screen, by clicking on the arrow below
1.1 Indicators of presence of the visitor
When handling a chat conversation, you can see if visitors are still online on the brand's website or not. How? Thanks to the color of the dot displayed on the state box:
- Green dot: the visitor is on your website or browsing other websites. But in any case, they haven't left the website, it's still open on a tab
- Red dot: the visitor has closed the tab they had previously used to browse your website or he/she is disconnected.
Please note that these indicators are only available for chat conversations (and not for social or SDK conversations)
1.2 Time on chat boxes with information about their meaning
- "Time since your last message" (the last message of the agent).
- "Total duration"
Note: for the Call conversation panel, you can no longer hang up using the state box. You now need to hang up via a notification. Learn more about this update right here: Manage Call conversations